Term Archives

  1. L11 Financial literacy

    Curriculum Compound interest Introduction to investments/loans with regular payments using technology Buy/lease
  2. L7 Optimization

    Curriculum  Using feasible region to optimize objective function Maximizing profit while minimizing cost Maximizing area or volume while minimizing perimeter
  3. L5 Quadratic functions

    Curriculum Characteristics of graphs Including end behaviour Maximum/minimum Vertex Symmetry Intercepts
  4. L3 Graphical analysis

    Curriculum Graphical analysis using technology only
  5. L1 Forms of mathematical reasoning

    Curriculum Definition & basics of mathematical reasoning Types of Mathematical Reasoning The Principle of Mathematical Induction Logic Conjecturing Inductive & deductive thinking Proofs Game/puzzle analysis Counter examples
  6. अध्याय-18 चुनौती हिमालय की

    अध्याय-18 चुनौती हिमालय की
  7. अध्याय-17 छोटी–सी हमारी नदी

    अध्याय-17 छोटी–सी हमारी नदी
  8. अध्याय-16 पानी रे पानी

    अध्याय-16 पानी रे पानी
  9. अध्याय-15 बिशन की दिलेरी

    अध्याय-15 बिशन की दिलेरी
  10. अध्याय-14 बाघ आया उस रात

    अध्याय-14 बाघ आया उस रात
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